

瀏覽量:423    發(fā)布時間:2020-07-03

1. 恰恰是香港回歸以來,香港居民享有前所未有的權(quán)利和自由。
It is after the return of Hong Kong that the residents came to enjoy unprecedented rights and freedoms. 
The basic policies regarding Hong Kong declared by China in the Joint Declaration are China's statement of policies, not commitment to the UK or an international obligation as some claim.
3. 英國對回歸后的香港無主權(quán)、無治權(quán)、無監(jiān)督權(quán)。
The UK has no sovereignty, no jurisdiction and no right to supervise Hong Kong.
4. 目前,中印邊境地區(qū)的局勢總體是穩(wěn)定的、可控的。
At present, the overall situation in the China-India border areas is stable and controllable. 
5. 我們倒要奉勸英方懸崖勒馬,摒棄“冷戰(zhàn)思維”和“殖民心態(tài)”,認(rèn)清并尊重香港已經(jīng)回歸、是中國一個特別行政區(qū)的現(xiàn)實(shí),恪守國際法和國際關(guān)系基本準(zhǔn)則,立即停止干預(yù)香港事務(wù)和中國內(nèi)政。
To quote its own words, we urge the UK to "step back from the brink", reject the Cold-War mindset and the colonial mentality, recognize and respect the fact that Hong Kong has already returned to China as a special administrative region. It should abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations and immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's domestic affairs. 
6. (英國外交大臣還補(bǔ)充道)中方有時間再做考慮并懸崖勒馬。
He also said that "there is a moment for China to step back from the brink".

7. 我們希望發(fā)達(dá)國家和主要國際金融機(jī)構(gòu)加大援非抗疫投入,加大力度減緩非洲國家債務(wù),發(fā)揮表率作用。
We hope that developed countries and major international financial institutions will lead by upping their assistance to Africa's efforts against COVID-19 and taking bigger steps in alleviating the debt burdens of African countries.
8. “港人治港”
"Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong"
9. 否則必將搬起石頭砸自己的腳。
Otherwise, there will be consequences.
10. 中印之間有完善的涉邊機(jī)制和溝通渠道,雙方有能力通過對話協(xié)商妥善解決兩國間的問題,不需要第三方介入。
On border-related issues, there have been sound mechanisms and channels of communication between China and India, and the two sides are capable of properly resolving relevant issues through dialogue and consultation. There is no need for any third party to intervene.
11. 可及性和可擔(dān)負(fù)性
the accessibility and affordability of
12. 美國不是南海爭議當(dāng)事方,不但不恪守在有關(guān)爭議問題上不持立場的承諾,反而經(jīng)常在南海制造事端,搞軍事挑釁,挑撥地區(qū)國家間關(guān)系,這不利于南海和平與穩(wěn)定。
The US is not a party to disputes in the South China Sea. Instead of abiding by its commitment of holding no position on relevant territorial sovereignty disputes, it frequently sought to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, resorted to military provocation, and attempted to drive a wedge between regional countries. None of this is conducive to peace and stability in the South China Sea.
13. 全球化大潮下5G的開發(fā)利用必將是各國共商共建共享的過程和產(chǎn)物。 
In an era of globalization, the development and application of 5G is naturally a process and outcome of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits among all countries.
14. 官方證實(shí)
official verification
15. 5G技術(shù)是第四次工業(yè)革命的前沿性、引領(lǐng)性和平臺性科技。
5G technology plays a leading role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution as a cutting-edge and platform technology. 
16. “一國兩制”
"one country, two systems"
17. 中方呼吁有關(guān)國家認(rèn)真傾聽非洲人民的聲音,盡快解除非法制裁,切實(shí)幫助非洲國家抗擊疫情、恢復(fù)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展。
China calls on the relevant countries to heed the calls of the African people, lift illegal sanctions as soon as possible, and make some real contributions to Africa's efforts to defeat the virus and develop the economy.
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