

瀏覽量:111    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-03-01

China's booming Lunar New Year box office is undergoing a surprise shakeup, but both films ('Hi, Mom' and 'Detective Chinatown 3') are forecast to finish their runs with over $700 million apiece — an unprecedented outcome for two movies competing head to head.

①Beijing Culture's time-travel comedy Hi, Mom, which opened the Lunar New Year holiday in distant second place behind Wanda Picture's Detective Chinatown 3, has suddenly surged to the front of the pack.
②The lighthearted family comedy finished the weekend with $161.7 million, trailing DC3's record-smashing opening of $397.2 million. ③But by Monday, fortunes had reversed as Hi, Mom pulled in $82.2 million compared to $66.6 million for the Wanda tentpole, according to data from Artisan Gateway.
④The film stars Chinese comedy veteran Jia as a devoted daughter whose world is turned upside-down after her mother dies suddenly in an accident. ⑤In a state of emotional crisis, she finds herself mysteriously transported back to 1981, where she meets her mother (Zhang Xiaofei) and the social group of her youth. ⑥Jia's character attempts to improve her mother's life by using ideas from the future, but her plans repeatedly go awry.(Hollywood Reporter)
①First off, the country now has nearly 15,500 more screens than it did at the beginning of 2019, having added 5,800 new ones last year despite the serious headwinds of the pandemic. ②China's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts. ③Hi, Mom appears to have hit all the right notes. ④However, the biggest boon for the box office this year was government COVID-19 policies that urged citizens to stay in place rather than travel home to see family. ⑤These made the movies a more attractive entertainment option.(Yahoo Sports)



China's booming Lunar New Year box office is undergoing a surprise shakeup, but both films ('Hi, Mom' and 'Detective Chinatown 3') are forecast to finish their runs with over $700 million apiece — an unprecedented outcome for two movies competing head to head. 

前半句講到中國春節(jié)票房正發(fā)生變化:China's booming Lunar New Year box office is undergoing a surprise shakeup.
booming 一詞體現(xiàn)出中國春節(jié)票房的繁榮。
undergo 就是 experience 的意思,表示「經(jīng)歷、經(jīng)受」,后面加 change 或 unpleasant things,2017 年考研英語一的 Text2 中就出現(xiàn)過這個(gè)詞:
Hawaiian culture is not a relic of the past; it is a living culture undergoing a renaissance today.
夏威夷文化不是歷史的遺物,而是一個(gè)正在經(jīng)歷復(fù)興的鮮活文化。(renaissance 指「復(fù)興」,本質(zhì)上也是一種變化)

shakeup 的核心含義是 change,具體指組織、機(jī)構(gòu)、體系的「調(diào)整、重組」,比如 a management shake-up「管理層的大調(diào)整」,a big shakeup of the education system「教育制度的重大改革」,如果把 shakeup 拆開變成 shake up,則成為動詞,比如,shake up the educational system「改革教育體系」。
文中 undergo a surprise shakeup 意思是:發(fā)生了另人驚訝的變革。
btw,surprise 作為名詞,有時(shí)也是可以修飾名詞的,比如 a surprise attack「突然襲擊」,這個(gè)語言點(diǎn)閱讀中知道即可,寫作中盡量不要主動使用。
這里的“a surprise shakeup”究竟指什么呢?我們繼續(xù)往下看:
but both films ('Hi, Mom' and 'Detective Chinatown 3') are forecast to finish their runs with over $700 million apiece
注意,這里的 but 不是轉(zhuǎn)折「但是」,而是用于強(qiáng)調(diào)一貫的事實(shí),起到加強(qiáng)語氣的作用——這個(gè)用法很罕見,我們看兩個(gè)例句了解即可:
They're rich, but I mean rich.

She never passed her old home but she thought of the happy years she had spent there.

be forecast to do 表示“預(yù)計(jì)將…”,也可以用 be predicted, be expected 表示。
run 在這里是熟詞僻義,在電影中指 a series of performances of a play or film/movie,即電影的「上映期」。舉個(gè)例子:
His first movie had a three-month run.
他的第一部電影連續(xù)上演了三個(gè)月。(a three-month run:三個(gè)月的上映期/放映期)

apiece 用于名詞或數(shù)字之后,表示「每個(gè)」,看個(gè)簡單的例子,了解 apiece 的用法:
He and I had two fish apiece.
文中 but both films are forecast to finish their runs with over $700 million apiece 意思是:兩部電影預(yù)計(jì)各將以 7 億美元結(jié)束其上映期。
其后面又跟了一個(gè)同位語結(jié)構(gòu),作進(jìn)一步補(bǔ)充:an unprecedented outcome for two movies competing head to head.
這部分的核心結(jié)構(gòu)是 an unprecedented outcome for two movies「這對兩部電影來說是一個(gè)前所未有的結(jié)果」。
unprecedented = un+precedent+ed「沒有先例的」。
competing head to head 是 V-ing 形式的后置定語,修飾 movies:
head to head 是副詞,顧名思義,表示「正面交鋒的」,非常形象。如果加上連字符,則變成了形容詞。


①Beijing Culture's time-travel comedy Hi, Mom, which opened the Lunar New Year holiday in distant second place behind Wanda Picture's Detective Chinatown 3, has suddenly surged to the front of the pack.

這句話的主干是:Beijing Culture's time-travel comedy Hi, Mom has suddenly surged to the front of the pack.
surge 指 suddenly increase,常用于描述數(shù)據(jù)增長;pack 此處指 a group of people「一群人」,surge to the front of the pack 可當(dāng)成一個(gè)固定搭配積累下來,表示「沖到一群人頭里」,即「沖到領(lǐng)先位置、突然領(lǐng)先」,我們也可以用 be ahead of the pack 或者 lead the pack 表達(dá)相同含義,看個(gè)例子:
Europe has got used to following rather than leading the pack.

2021年2月17日的 Shanghai Daily 中是這么寫的:
Comedy "Hi, Mom" continued to top the Chinese mainland box office on Tuesday, extending its daily lead over the former highest daily grosser, "Detective Chinatown 3.
top 后面加一個(gè)范圍,比如 list, chart 等,表示「居于...之首」;
補(bǔ)充:extend the lead over...意為「擴(kuò)大對...的領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢」;
grosser 由 gross「總收入為」變化而來(我們后面還會講到),表示「賺錢之物、能帶來收入的東西」,former highest daily grosser 在文中指的就是「此前單日票房最高的電影」。
回到文中來,主語 time-travel comedy Hi, Mom 后面跟了一個(gè)定語從句,補(bǔ)充了《你好,李煥英》的信息:which opened the Lunar New Year holiday in distant second place behind Wanda Picture's Detective Chinatown 3
這部分的核心結(jié)構(gòu)是:which opened the Lunar New Year holiday

后面 in distant second place behind Wanda Picture's Detective Chinatown 3 是方式狀語,修飾 opened the Lunar New Year holiday,意思是:以遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)落后于萬達(dá)影業(yè)《唐人街探案 3》的方式開啟了春節(jié)假期。

Concerns are grave that...
Concerns are growing that...
Concerns are grave that...
Concerns are growing that...
An idea suddenly struck me.
What happened to you?
文中這句話 opened the Lunar New Year holiday in...、前面的 finish their runs with over $700 million、以及后面即將出現(xiàn)的 finished the weekend with $161.7 million,都體現(xiàn)了英文的「客體思維」,所以我們在翻譯時(shí)要調(diào)整一下。
《你好,李煥英》的英文名為 Hi, Mom,從面向外國觀眾這個(gè)角度而言, 通過 Hi, Mom 這個(gè)名字,外國觀眾可以推測出,這部電影應(yīng)該是以孩子的角度去寫母親的。

②The lighthearted family comedy finished the weekend with $161.7 million, trailing DC3's record-smashing opening of $397.2 million.
這部輕松的家庭喜劇在上周末票房達(dá)到了 1.617 億美元,落后于《唐人街探案3》創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的首映票房3.972億美元。

②句主句不難,finished the weekend with $161.7 million 我們前面提到了,體現(xiàn)了英文中的「客體思維」。再發(fā)散一下,當(dāng)我們寫作中表達(dá)「假期臨近結(jié)束時(shí)/剛開始時(shí)發(fā)生了什么事情」,除了常規(guī)的把時(shí)間放在狀語的位置上,我們還可以說「事件 open/finish 假期」,語言更加生動、活潑。
后面 trailing DC3's record-smashing opening of $397.2 million 是現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語。
trail 意思為 to be losing a game or other contest,翻譯為「落后于…」,我們也可以說:falling behind DC3's record-smashing opening of $397.2 million.
record-smashing 是一個(gè)很好的表達(dá),其中 smash=break,意為「打破」,record-smashing 就是「破紀(jì)錄的」意思,可以同 record-breaking 替換。我們也可以使用其動詞形式,直接表達(dá)為 smash/break/hit the record,比如,2021年2月15日的  Six Tone 有篇文章報(bào)道了中國春節(jié)的電影票房,文章標(biāo)題為:
China’s Box Office Smashes Holiday Record as Crowds Pack Cinemas

A bored China propels box office sales to a record high
補(bǔ)充:propel sth to a record high「推動…創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄」。
再多提一嘴,表示「票房高的電影」,我們還可以說 a box-office smash、a blockbuster.

③But by Monday, fortunes had reversed as Hi, Mom pulled in $82.2 million compared to $66.6 million for the Wanda tentpole, according to data from Artisan Gateway.
但根據(jù)Artisan Gateway的數(shù)據(jù),到周一(2月15日),情況已發(fā)生逆轉(zhuǎn),《你好,李煥英》票房達(dá)到了 8220 萬美元,而萬達(dá)的明星電影《唐探 3》的票房為 6660 萬美元。

fortunes had reversed「情況發(fā)生逆轉(zhuǎn)」是主干,as Hi, Mom pulled in $82.2 million 是從句,進(jìn)行具體補(bǔ)充。
pull in 在這里表示 earn a specified sum of money,造個(gè)句子:
A food-deliveryman can sometimes pull in 10 thousand RMB a month.

compared to $66.6 million for the Wanda tentpole 是 Hi, Mom pulled in $82.2 million 的狀語,be compared to...是「和...相比」,這里可以翻譯成「而」,能體現(xiàn)出相同含義,但表述更加簡潔地道。
我們補(bǔ)充一段 2021年2月17日的 Variety 對中國春節(jié)電影票房的報(bào)道:
The top three films were “Detective Chinatown 3,” which grossed an eye-watering $550 million (RMB3.55 billion), “Hi, Mom,” which earned $422 million (RMB2.72 billion), and “A Writer’s Odyssey,” which made $83.7 million (RMB540 million), according to Alibaba’s Beacon industry data tracker.
這段話的精彩之處是,連續(xù)出現(xiàn)了三個(gè)「賺了...錢」的說法,但用詞各不相同,分別是 gross, earn, make,當(dāng)作一組同義替換積累下來。
gross 前面出現(xiàn)過,意思為 to earn a particular amount of money「總收入為」,后面直接加錢。如果表示「票房最高的電影」,可以說 a highest-grossing film.
eye-watering「極大的、超出想象的」非常形象地表達(dá)了《唐探3》的票房讓人眼紅,下次想形容某物 high 或 large 的時(shí)候, 就可以用 eye-watering 表述。
類似的還有 jaw-dropping,形容令人驚訝。

④The film stars Chinese comedy veteran Jia as a devoted daughter whose world is turned upside-down after her mother dies suddenly in an accident. ⑤In a state of emotional crisis, she finds herself mysteriously transported back to 1981, where she meets her mother (Zhang Xiaofei) and the social group of her youth. ⑥Jia's character attempts to improve her mother's life by using ideas from the future, but her plans repeatedly go awry.
在這部電影中,中國喜劇元老賈玲飾演一個(gè)孝順的女兒,她的母親在一次意外事故中突然去世,從此她的世界發(fā)生了翻天覆地的變化。在情緒崩潰的狀態(tài)下,她意外地發(fā)現(xiàn)自己回到了1981年,在那里她遇到了的母親(張小斐 飾)和幼時(shí)的玩伴。賈玲在劇中試圖用未來的想法來改善母親的生活,但她的計(jì)劃屢屢出現(xiàn)問題。


④句 The film stars Chinese comedy veteran Jia as a devoted daughter 中,star 在這里指「由...主演」,用法為「電影+star sb as+角色」。
⑤句中,表示「穿越回...」,可以說 be transported back to...也可以說 travel back to...
⑥句,go awry / ??rai / 意思為 if sth goes awry, it does not happen in the way that was planned,翻譯為「出錯(cuò),出岔子」。


①First off, the country now has nearly 15,500 more screens than it did at the beginning of 2019, having added 5,800 new ones last year despite the serious headwinds of the pandemic. ②China's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts. ③Hi, Mom appears to have hit all the right notes. ④However, the biggest boon for the box office this year was government COVID-19 policies that urged citizens to stay in place rather than travel home to see family. ⑤These made the movies a more attractive entertainment option.

①句 despite the serious headwinds of the pandemic 中,headwind 字面意思是「逆風(fēng)」,外刊中常用來比喻「困難、挑戰(zhàn)、阻力」,可靈活用于寫作中;同樣 tailwind「順風(fēng)」也可以比喻「利好、有利條件」。
②句 China's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal 字面意思可以理解成:中國春節(jié)電影票房往往會獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)帶有廣泛家庭吸引力的電影名稱,即,家庭主題的電影能獲得更高票房。
③句 Hi, Mom appears to have hit all the right notes 中,hit/strike the right note 是一個(gè)固定搭配,表示 do the right thing「做得對」。
④句 the biggest boon for the box office this year was...中,boon 指 something that is very helpful and makes life easier for you「非常有用的東西,益處」,比如,作文中分析事物的好處時(shí),就可以說:
Online education has been a boon for many young students.

正面交鋒:compete head to head,a head-to-head competition
打破紀(jì)錄:record-smashing, record-breaking, smash/break/hit the record, reach/hit a record high
領(lǐng)先:surge to the front of the pack, be ahead of the pack, lead the pack, top...
高票房電影:a box-office smash, a highest-grossing film, a blockbuster
表示電影賺多少錢:pull in+錢,  gross/earn/make+錢。
有利的條件:tailwinds, boon
主演:電影+star sb+角色
落后于:trail sth, fall behind sth

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