

瀏覽量:152    發(fā)布時間:2020-10-01


 原文:DELHI-WALLAHS expect a spike in pollution during the autumn festival of Diwali, which is famed for its exuberant fireworks. This year the city’s bad-air index did indeed shoot up during the night-time revelry. But then, as winds died, the air chilled, smoke from the burning of rice stubble in surrounding farmland drifted in and the city’s thick traffic resumed, the index failed to go down again.
DELHI-WALLAHS expect a spike in pollution during the autumn festival of Diwali, which is famed for its exuberant fireworks. This year the city’s bad-air index did indeed shoot up during the night-time revelry.

DELHI-WALLAHS expect a spike in pollution,DELHI-WALLAHS 是印度的一個地名,暫且不管;spike 是"a sudden increase" 的意思,這部分是說,達巴瓦拉的空氣污染程度將大大加重。
寫作中,可以用"城市 expects a spike in pollution"這個表達來描述“污染加重“,比如,北京污染加重,Beijing expects a spike in pollution as winter nears.

which is famed for its exuberant fireworks,which 指的前面的“autumn festival of Diwali”,即印度秋季的光明節(jié);exuberant 的意思是“energetic”,形容煙花爆竹多而絢爛?,F(xiàn)在各地都禁放煙花爆竹,春節(jié)也很少見到絢爛的煙花了,我們可以說, Exuberant fireworks have become a thing of the past.
這部分是說,光明節(jié)因絢爛的煙花而出名(be famed for)。

bad-air index did indeed shoot up during the night-time revelry,shoot up 指“激增”,相當于前面的 spike,屬于同義替換,此外還可以用"soar"和"mushroom"表示“激增”,mashroom 作名詞講是“蘑菇”的意思,因蘑菇長得快,所以其動詞便有了“激增”的意思;night-time revelry 指前面提到的光明節(jié),revelry 是“狂歡”的意思,相當于celebration, festivity, merrymaking.

剛才我們說,可以用"城市 expects a spike in pollution"這個表達來描述“污染加重“,分析完這一句我們又學到了一個新表達:”bad-air index shoot up/soar/mushroom“

But then, as winds died, the air chilled, smoke from the burning of rice stubble in surrounding farmland drifted in and the city’s thick traffic resumed, the index failed to go down again.

winds died 指”風停息“; the air chilled 指”降溫“;smoke from... drifted in 指”燃燒稻茬釋放的煙飄入城內“;
stubble 指農作物收割后留下的殘梗,就是我們平常所說的”茬“,也可以指男人刮完胡須在下巴上留下的胡子茬;
surrounding 相當于 nearby,表示”附近的“,此外,at proximity 和 a stone's throw(扔一個石頭的距離) 都可以表示”附近“這一概念。
thick traffic resumed 指城市恢復了繁忙的交通,thick 或 heavy 可以指交通的忙碌,resume 指重新開始。比如春節(jié)期間路上很少見到車輛,春節(jié)那幾天一過,人們開始回城,道路又開始繁忙起來,我們完全可以用 thick traffic resumed 來描述這一熙熙攘攘的景象。


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