

瀏覽量:137    發(fā)布時間:2020-06-09

1. 據(jù)報道,菲律賓外長洛欽6月8日就中菲建交45周年發(fā)表視頻聲明稱,在杜特爾特總統(tǒng)領導下,中菲兩國的古老友誼開花結(jié)果。中菲是互利共贏的新伙伴關(guān)系,即便在兩國存在分歧時也是如此。
In a video statement on June 8 on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Philippines, Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin said that under the leadership of President Duterte, the old friendship between the two countries has flourished into a new partnership for mutual profit and progress despite differences.

2. 中方愿同菲方一道,以建交45周年為新的起點,落實好兩國領導人重要共識,進一步增進政治互信,深化全面合作,為兩國人民福祉和地區(qū)穩(wěn)定繁榮貢獻更多正能量。
Taking the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties as a new starting point, China will continue working with the Philippines to implement the important consensus reached by leaders of the two countries, further enhance political mutual trust, deepen all-round cooperation and make greater contribution to the well-being of the two peoples and regional prosperity and stability.
3. 韓聯(lián)社
Yonhap News
4. 我們奉勸納瓦羅收起“甩鍋”推責這套伎倆,否則只會更加自取其辱,讓人進一步認清其撒謊成性的本質(zhì)。
We advise Navarro to stop playing his old trick of blame-shifting because it will only lead to greater self-inflicted humiliation and further expose his nature as a habitual liar.
5. 假設今天在外交部南樓附近車流量比平時增加了幾倍,你能就此得出什么重大結(jié)論呢?
If there's greater traffic volume here today outside the MFA South Building, will you arrive at any major conclusion out of it?
6. 我覺得這種研究方式非常牽強。
I think such methods are hardly watertight.
7. 研究還發(fā)現(xiàn)很多轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)該謠言的用戶都是被遠程控制的“機器人”賬號,且很多用戶群都與美國共和黨及右翼勢力支持者有關(guān)。
Many accounts had the hallmarks of so-called bots, or accounts that were remotely controlled, and many users had links to US Republicans and right-wing supporters, according to the research.
8. 聯(lián)合國在《對抗“錯誤信息疫情”的五種途徑》一文中指出,不可靠信息正在阻礙全球團結(jié)抗擊2019新冠肺炎大流行。
The UN has pointed out in "Five Ways to Fight the "Infodemic" of Misinformation" that unreliable information is hurting the global effort to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.

9. 聯(lián)合國致力于消除謠言、虛假新聞以及引起仇恨和分裂的信息,從而傳播準確信息,傳遞希望與團結(jié)。
By dispelling rumors, fake news, and messages of hate and division, the United Nations is working to spread accurate information and messages of hope and solidarity.
10. 面對香港國家安全受到現(xiàn)實危害和嚴重威脅,全國人大果斷立法并且適用香港,有助于盡快填補香港國安法律的明顯漏洞和長期缺失,合理合法,勢在必行。
As national security in Hong Kong SAR is faced with real, severe threats, the NPC's decisive legislation applied to Hong Kong helps to fill in the obvious loopholes and long-term gaps in Hong Kong's national security laws. It is a rational and lawful move that we must make.

11. 國安立法只會使香港的法律體系更加完備,社會秩序更加穩(wěn)定,營商環(huán)境更加改善。
This legislation will only improve Hong Kong's legal system and make its social order more stable and business environment better.
12. 國安立法是“試金石”,如果期待香港長治久安,就理應支持而不必擔心;如果希望“一國兩制”行穩(wěn)致遠,就理應擁護而不是反對。
The legislation is a litmus test. If you aspire for Hong Kong's stability in the long run, you should support it instead of being worried. If you hope for steady implementation of "one country, two systems", you should endorse the legislation rather than opposing it.
13. 在這一問題上不應有任何雙重標準。
No double standards should be applied to this matter.
14. 英方應該認清時勢,謹言慎行。
The British side should grasp the situation and exercise prudence in its words and deeds.
15. 第127屆中國進出口商品交易會,也就是今年的廣交會
The 127th China Import and Export Fair, or the Canton Fair
16. 為期10天
altogether 10 days
17. 商務部將堅持進出口并重,做好產(chǎn)供銷對接,積極動員各方力量,提升技術(shù)水平,擴大惠企范圍,完善配套服務,提升廣大企業(yè)和客商的上線體驗,力爭舉辦一屆“特殊時期、特殊意義、特別舉措、特別精彩”的網(wǎng)上廣交會。
The Commerce Ministry will coordinate imports and exports, smooth out links in production, supply and marketing, mobilize all possible resources, improve technological application, deliver more benefits, offer a whole set of services to enterprises, and enhance the online experience for all enterprises and traders. This is meant to be a very fruitful "online Canton Fair" with special significance amid the special measures at a special time.
18. 今天臺灣當局稱對飛入臺灣西南空域的大陸戰(zhàn)斗機采取了“驅(qū)離”措施。
The Taiwan authorities said that it warned off Chinese fighter jets that flew near southwest Taiwan today.
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