

瀏覽量:206    發(fā)布時間:2020-06-09

1. 中緬兩國于1950年6月8日建交。70年來,雙方始終心意相通、真誠相交,堅持做倡導(dǎo)和踐行和平共處五項原則的表率,給中緬兩國人民帶來了實實在在的福祉,也樹立了國家間交往的典范,為推動構(gòu)建人類命運共同體作出了貢獻(xiàn)。
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties on June 8, 1950, China and Myanmar, upholding shared aspiration and sincerity, have been exemplary in advocating and practicing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, brought tangible benefits to the two peoples, set an example for state-to-state exchanges, and contributed to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
2. 中緬互為友鄰,兩國特殊“胞波”情誼傳承千年、歷久彌堅。
As friendly neighbors, the special pauk-phaw friendship between China and Myanmar has been going on for thousands of years and grows even stronger than before.

3. 第十輪中歐高級別戰(zhàn)略對話
the 10th China-EU High Level Strategic Dialogue
4. 涉港國安立法是依照憲法和香港基本法的規(guī)定履行維護國家安全的權(quán)力和責(zé)任,是為了給香港特區(qū)打上“安全補丁”,扎牢籬笆,封堵國家安全漏洞,切實維護中國的國家安全。
The Hong Kong-related national security legislation is the exercise of power and responsibility to uphold national security in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law. It aims to plug the loopholes in national security for the Hong Kong SAR and the whole country. Those who don't intend to engage in secessionist, subversive and terrorist activities have no need to worry or overreact at all.
5. 生動詮釋了唇齒相依、休戚與共的中緬命運共同體精神。
vividly demonstrating the essence of the China-Myanmar community with a shared future, which is standing together through weal and woe.
6. 在此我想重申,美國單方面退出全面協(xié)議并對伊極限施壓,是當(dāng)前伊核危機的根源。
I'd like to reiterate that the US unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA and maximum pressure on Iran is the root cause of the current Iranian nuclear crisis.
7. 維護和執(zhí)行好全面協(xié)議是解決伊核問題的唯一正確途徑。
The only correct way to resolve this issue is to uphold and implement the JCPOA.

But one thing is certain to me: the US is the only country that is still blocking the resumption of negotiation on a verification protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention.
9. 采取具體措施確保條約早日生效
take concrete measures to bring the treaty into force at an early date

be silent about
According to an article from ROK media Tongilnews, the US army stationed in the ROK has set up four biological weapons labs on Bacillus anthracis, which is much more horrible than novel coronavirus.
12. 美方應(yīng)放棄錯誤做法,避免阻撓其他各方執(zhí)行全面協(xié)議,為外交努力留出空間。
The US should give up its wrong approach, avoid obstructing other parties' implementation of the nuclear deal, and leave room for diplomatic endeavors.
According to Indonesian media reports, China sent a note to the United Nations regarding the overlapping of the nine-dash line and Indonesia's exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.
drew up a new blueprint for the future development of bilateral relations
Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Pompeo once said that what is at stake about Hong Kong is that it is a bastion of freedom that can be used to influence China, by which his underhand intention cannot be revealed more clearly.


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