

瀏覽量:2643    發(fā)布時間:2020-05-19

1. 中方敦促美方停止對中國的誣蔑抹黑,停止審議推進有關反華議案,制止針對中方的濫訴行為,把精力更多放到抗擊疫情和維護美國人民生命健康上去,不要再搞這種無聊的指責游戲。
We urge the US side to stop smearing China, pushing anti-China bills and pursuing frivolous litigation against China. They should focus on combating the virus and saving their people's lives. It is high time they stopped playing such ridiculous, boring finger-pointing game.

2. 我想再次重申,個別國家執(zhí)意討論涉臺提案,其目的是嚴重干擾大會進程、破壞國際抗疫合作,包括中國在內的國際社會對此堅決反對。
I would like to reiterate that the few countries who are insisting on discussing the proposal relating to the Taiwan region are only seeking to severely disrupt this WHA and undermine global anti-pandemic cooperation. The international community including China stands firmly against this.

3. 導致中國臺灣地區(qū)參加世衛(wèi)大會的政治基礎不復存在。
As a result, the political foundation for the Taiwan region to participate in WHO has ceased to exist.
4. 該部領導層對此不屑一顧,不愿采取必要的緊急行動。
the Department's leadership was dismissive and unwilling to take urgent actions.

5. 這是不可抗力。
It is a force majeure event.
6. 王毅國務委員兼外長出席了此次會議并在會上提出四點主張
State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended this conference and put forward four proposals.
7. 從以往記錄看,美國在全球范圍實施了最大規(guī)模網絡竊密行動。
Judging from its past records, the US has conducted the largest-scale cyber espionage activities globally.
8. 各國應倡導團結協(xié)作,攜手打贏全球疫情防控阻擊戰(zhàn);倡導安全合作,攜手維護地區(qū)和平穩(wěn)定;倡導互利合作,攜手實現(xiàn)共同發(fā)展;倡導多邊主義,攜手捍衛(wèi)和完善國際體系。
Efforts should be made to enhance solidarity and coordination in combating the pandemic, to strengthen security cooperation and maintain peace and stability in the region, to promote mutually-beneficial cooperation and realize shared development, to uphold multilateralism and jointly defend and improve global institutions.
9. 他表示當前新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延,上合組織各國也面臨嚴峻考驗,各方應高舉“上合旗幟”,貢獻“上合力量”。
He called for all member states to hold high the SCO banner and contribute SCO strength in the face of the grave challenge posed by the global spread of COVID-19.
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