

瀏覽量:280    發(fā)布時間:2020-05-21

1. 以上是當(dāng)前國際社會在有關(guān)問題上的最大公約數(shù)。
For the international community, the above-mentioned is the largest possible common ground on the relevant issue.
2. 這也是世衛(wèi)組織在每次應(yīng)對重大疫情后的慣常作法。
This is a customary practice for the WHO after dealing with a pandemic.
3. 中間宿主
intermediate hosts
4. 決議磋商中,絕大多數(shù)國家都認(rèn)為疫情尚未結(jié)束,合作抗疫是當(dāng)務(wù)之急。
During the consultations on the resolution, the overwhelming majority of countries believed the pandemic has yet to pass and the cooperation on COVID-19 remains the most pressing task.
5. 立即啟動審查和病毒溯源的時機(jī)尚不成熟。
It is immature to immediately initiate the review and trace the origin of the virus for the time being.
This US politician has been a lying blabbermouth.

7. 外交部正在盡力做好相關(guān)善后工作。
The Foreign Ministry will make sure that follow-up matters are properly handled.
8. 中方從不做損人利己的事,而是倡導(dǎo)求同存異、合作共贏。
China has never sought selfish gains at the expense of others. Rather, we champion seeking common ground while shelving differences and advocate win-win cooperation.
The adoption of any resolution is the result of the joint efforts of member states and the text should not be interpreted in an out-of-context and one-sided way. 
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